Friday, May 16, 2008

Doughnuts with Dad

Well, I told Daddy to take the camera today. He didn't. *sigh* So, Sarah, if you're reading this, please send me some pics if you have them!!! Anyway, Daddy and Leia Rose got there promptly at 8:30 and shared some doughnuts together as they marveled at Leia Rose's life size self-portrait:

And here is the really special Father's Day card Leia Rose made, . . .
Including a cool number/letter puzzle on the right. ; )
AND she made him a pen (in a really cool "stamped" envelope)! : )
But perhaps Daddy was the most impressed by this Star Wars painting hanging up in the room, . . . with R2-D2 and C3-P0 in the escape pod, . . . being followed by Darth Vader's ship!!! He had some time to look at it while Leia and Daddy waited to check out "The Discovery Table" today. Daddy stayed until 10:30!!! Wow!!!
And here is a picture of Leia at the end of the day excitedly clutching her "work folder" while framed by Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. Schnell.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Just to add some information. Leia informed me during production that it is actually the large movable alphabet that is at the top of Brian's card which is pretty amazing. I believe you can even see that she did the vowels in blue as they are at school!