Monday, May 12, 2008

The Letter "O"

This morning Annie was standing by the fridge examining the magnetic letters while I was at the computer ordering groceries. Anyway, I noticed she had two magnetic letters in her hand and was walking around saying "lellow oh, . . . lellow oh." "Hmmmm," I thought, "she couldn't possibly be talking about the letter 'O,' could she?" I went over to her to see if she had a letter "O" in her hand, . . . and she DID!!! So I asked Annie, "Annie, what letter is this?" while I held up the letter "O." And Annie clearly said, "lellow oh." I had her do it so many times before I believed her that I didn't even get to take a video, . . . because by that time she was so sick of it that she would just stare at me and walk off! Ha! The crazy thing about this is that even though I read a lot with Annie (although recently she hasn't been as interested), I can't think of a time we have concentrated on letters except for reading one lone ABC book by Anne Geddes as well as one called Parading with Piglets. Wow! What a kid!!!

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