Monday, May 19, 2008

Return of Chicken-Bang & Bellemotions

Yesterday Leia Rose did something that made me scream, "No! Don't!" She had taken one of our outdoor blocks and sent it down the slide, . . . right in front of Annie. Yep, Annie followed suit. And now Mamma has a new chore: putting the blocks back up in the clubhouse, . . . again, and again, and again. *sigh* I told Leia Rose (in anger) that SHE was the one that was going to do that. Ha! Way back when Leia was Annie's age, Leia Rose called this throwing of blocks "Chicken Bang." No one really knows why. Hence the title of the post. : )
Today we had our weekly after-the-baby playdate with Heidi, and the girls had a pizza picnic outside. It was lots of fun!
Leia Rose and Heidi always want to do the same thing on Mondays: play outside for 90% of the time, . . . and then come inside and do some Bella Dancerella. And not just any ballet from that DVD, but the "Bellemotions" part where there is a different move for each emotion. The girls are doing "angry" here, which involves stomping around the room. Their favorite!!! ; )

The bad news of the day was that Leia Rose came home with a huge bloody scrape from her ear to her chin! Greta supposedly wanted Leia Rose off the hanging bar, and when Leia Rose said that Greta would have to wait until it was her turn, she slashed Leia Rose with her barrette. : ( (Leia Rose had a little bit different story however. The way she tells it, it was Chandan who wanted a turn on the bar to try something new. Leia, I think, was stepping in to help.) Oh well, these things happen. ; )

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