Saturday, May 31, 2008

Recital Residuals

The second we got home from the recital, Leia Rose wanted to put on her favorite new Ariel nightgown, but most importantly, "I want to hold my roses." I told Leia that, of course she could hold her roses, and handed her the three bouquets again. Leia then exclaimed, "No! I mean I want to take them out so that I can hold them next to my face!" So we opened them all, made sure there weren't any thorns, and Leia Rose held single flowers next to her face and hugged the whole bouquet close to her body and sniffed them ("and loved them and called them 'George.'") Ha! (Leia thought that was so funny to say, so I explained about the bugs bunny episode featuring that line. Now I've got to show it to her.) : )

Then I asked Leia Rose if she'd like to do the "Flower Arranging Work" like she did at Artgarden Montessori. She said no. (Ha!) So I arranged all of her pretty flowers in a vase and we placed them on her desk in her room. Leia was VERY excited about this! And as I mentioned in a previous post, our plan is to dry all of these flowers, return them to the vase, and then add one dried flower each year from her bouquets she receives from future recitals! It'll be such a special memory for her! (I know that my dried flower bouquets (one from our wedding, one from Leia's birth, and one from my adoring former students) are a few of my prized possessions.
Then there was something that Leia Rose just HAD to do! She called her Oma and Papa to tell them about the recital! Hopefully they'll be living up here full time next year, so that they can attend every single subsequent one! : )
In all the recital hubbub, Annie kind of got shuffled along of course. : ) But here is a very special moment with Grandpa reading Ladybug Birthday together. Annie had a blast naming all of the creatures in the book. It was extra cool because it was the same artist that designed all of her first birthday paraphernalia (plates, cups, invites, etc).
And, of course, playing dress-up as Princess Butterfly!!!
And finally, after all day of adoring her Ariel nightgown, Leia Rose insisted that, because it was the day of her recital, she wanted to wear her "Ballerina Girl" nightgown to sleep tonight. Okay, little ballerina, your wish is my command! ; )

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