Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

Today I was invited to Mother's Day Tea at Artgarden Montessori, which is a beautiful Mother's Day Tradition that I experienced last year as well.
Here is my beautiful, homemade invitation.
As well as my tea-time. ; )
And here is the beautiful table, complete with fresh flowers from the "flower arranging work." Leia Rose is serving the tea with the cupcakes & whipped cream & strawberries. As she said, "I am like a servant!" Ha!
Then Leia Rose gave me a very special present: a beautiful scented flower in a decorated vase as well as a paper card, with the paper having been made by Leia Rose herself!

Leia Rose especially enjoyed the whipped cream, . . . but I had to stop her when she bent down to lick some off her plate. : )

Leia Rose also made sure that I saw her "sign" that said "WAUC TOO MUTHRS DA TE" or translated "Welcome to Mother's Day Tea!" So sweet!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Very sweet & special!! :)