Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's A Rainy (Mother's) Day

Honestly, how good can a Mother's Day be when it's raining outside, your husband has a 103 degree fever from God-knows-what sickness, your firstborn yawns during the Mother's blessing at Mass, you find yourself doing ALL the chores of the day, and you spend the evening cleaning out your closet? Honestly, how good can it be?!? Well, at least the girls and I had fun watching the "It's a Rainy Day" from Sesame Street via computer. ; ) (And then we went outside for a Rainy Mother's Day Frolic featuring Leia Rose in her dinosaur raincoat and Annie in her ladybug version, and where Annie's basic look for the whole hour most definitely said, "Um, why did you bring me out here exactly?" Ha!.)
And here is my spiffy "Mother's Day Hat! It's a graduation day hat, Mamma! And, look, I made one for me, too!" ; ) In addition, I received a very special mother's day card from Leia Rose (ornamented by the collected dogwood petals from the front yard):

Leia Rose insisted that part of it said, "I love you!" (but I think she forgot to write the "you.") : )

And finally, I also received a very special note from my own Mom today. I want to record it here so as to be able to, possible, write the same for my own daughters someday. The sentiment really made me cry:

On Mother's Day a special prayer: May Mary keep you in her care and intercede with her Son for you for blessings today and all year through. Dear Noelle, All of your life you have given at least 110% to all that was important to you-but when it comes to mothering, you are giving at least 150%! If all mothers would take their mothering as seriously as you do, we would have all of our world problems solved. God is surely smiling down on you today and blessing you for all the loving and caring and fun you give to your girls-and I am smiling too because I am so proud of the mother you are! I love you very much! Love, Mom

1 comment:

Karin said...

So sorry to hear about the sickness, chores, & rain!! That's definitely not a fun combination. But glad to see you still had some special times! :)

(Hey - maybe your family can give you a Mother's Day "rain check" -- ha! Get it??? rain check???? ;) hee hee)