Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Trick on Leia

This is what Leia Rose will find when she opens up her lunch today! Hee, hee!!! Mrs. Schnell suggested that we pack a "fake lunch" today so that she can surprise the Extended Day Students with pizza on the last day of school! ; ) I think the spider is a nice touch, don't you? ; )

Note from later: Um, Leia Rose HATED the joke in the lunch box. She was VERY upset. I think she was hungry. ; ) (This is a function of the ENTJ, . . . just like how she cried when the bagel shop was closed the other weekend. If something isn't what she'd expected and been prepared for, . . . she loses it. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's hysterical!!! Too bad you didn't plant a video camera inside to tape her reaction! ;) HA!