Friday, May 16, 2008

You Won't Believe This One! . . . .

Well, Mamma got a lesson today in letting go and in keeping promises, . . . as I allowed both of my children to frolic in the mud!!! This came about because I had mentioned that maybe Jessica and Declan would be at the playground with their boots, but as I forgot the girls' boots, . . . I promised Leia Rose she could go ahead and wade in the mud with her bare feet. And of course, if I let Leia Rose do it . . . . Annie has to follow. Oh my.

Suddenly I got worried about Annie maybe falling into the water and getting her dress dirty, so I took it off of her. Which was a good idea, . . .
Because she got dirtier, . . .
. . . And dirtier!

At the end, I stripped her down and thought there was a leaf sticking to her bottom. Um, it wasn't a leaf. Ha! Annie was ready for a nap, but she still didn't want to leave the mud (big surprise), so she started screaming. Fun. So I ran to the car and changed her, wiped her down, and re-clothed her. Then we were ready to play a bit. But it was interesting as all of this was going on to notice the little groups of on-lookers from the playground. I couldn't help wondering what they were thinking. Some, I suppose, thought it was awesome that a Mamma would allow their children to have this experience. Some, however, I'm sure thought I was just plain CRAZY. ; )

[Just as a side note: A long time ago in my blog (or was this pre-blog, in my journal?) that I thought Annie was going to be a "tantrum kid." This is because from a very early age, Annie would fly-off-the-handle whenever something was not as she wanted/expected it. This holds true now as well, . . . but only when she is tired or hungry. And, ironically, it's the ONLY time I ever have any hard time with Annie. ; )


Karin said...

Ha! Ok, yes, I think you're crazy. ;) But in a GOOD way! hee hee :)

Karin said...

BTW, looks like they had a blast!! Don't tell Kevin!!! ha

LauraW said...

I'm so proud of you! Getting messy is always fun, and what better memories to look back on (after everyone is clean again, that is!).