Monday, May 5, 2008

Leia's & Heidi's House

Today Heidi came over to our house for a playdate. We've told Emily that we'd like to do this once a week for a month or so, . . . just to give her a bit of time alone with baby Greta. Well, the girls did two things: 1. The "feelings" segment of Bella Dancerella (they love to stomp out the angry part) and 2. They drew their "house." Here they are sitting at the "kitchen table." Ah, but there's so much more:
Here they are sleeping in their house. You can see Heidi in her "special room to sleep in when I come over." : ) Leia is sleeping in her own bed. There was also a "walkway to Heidi's house," a ceiling fan that looked a lot like a flower, a set of stairs only to go up, a set of stairs only to go down, a stove and an oven, and all sorts of construction materials (even including a "cement spreader"!) to build more homes.
I'm afraid they were crushed when the rain this evening washed it all away. : (
Doesn't the new Mamma look beautiful?!?

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's pretty elaborate!! :)

And wow - I love Heidi's outfit! She wore that beautiful outfit to lie in the chalk??? ;)