Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Strawberries

Today we went strawberry picking again (this time with Leia!) to get enough strawberries to make both preserves and wine. (This is especially because there's going to be a big rain tomorrow, and the strawberries don't need to absorb any more water. They're all fairly bland as it is.)
It was so much fun picking with the girls! (With Leia's help, I didn't even need "the monkey.") ; ) And the best part was watching Annie's progression from pristine, . . .

. . . to INCREDIBLY MESSY (& HAPPY)! (And one of my favorite pictures of the year! It's just SO very Annie!)
and I just love the contrast of the rows here, . . . along with the natural world suddenly making my children appear so very small. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Very cool!!! :) Soooo funny how messy Annie got!!!