Monday, May 5, 2008

Fun New Toys

Annie has recently discovered Leia's flashlight that she received from Oma long ago. (BTW, this kids flashlight is the best designed thing ever, . . . it only turns on for about 30 seconds and then fades. No wasted batteries!)
Annie's other favorite game these days could be labeled "wind-up-toys." I had a cuter picture of Annie sitting down and playing with them, but this is really a more accurate representation. Annie remains standing and thrusts a windup-toy forcefully at me, hoping I will wind it and let it go. As soon as it stops, she thrusts another. A bit violent, actually.
And since the Daddy Puppet Show the other day, Annie has been a bit more interested! Today she actually BROUGHT me the cheetah and zebra puppets for me to do a show! So, we did a "kissing show" where the puppet kissed every single stuffed animal from the basket.

My least favorite game of Annie's these days? Throw-all-the-magnetic-letters-under-the-refrigerator. Yay.

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