Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1-2-3 Jump!

Today we went to Newberry's version of Jumpin' Beans called 1-2-3 Jump, and the girls had an absolute BLAST!!! (Grandma has such good ideas!!!) There were dress-up, riding, jumping, and sliding opportunities galore!

Annie did a LOT of signing "more" today! Every single time she would go down the toddler slide with Leia Rose (those action shots are some of my favorites of the day), she would immediately sign more, as she's doing here.

This is my favorite shot today: Annie's pure joy in riding her first "roller coaster." : )
And every single time she'd ride this little toddler roller-coaster car, she'd sign "more" yet again. Here she is at the end of the sign this time. : )

Here was another one of my favorite parts of the day: Brian got into playing this basketball game where he was supposed to see how many shots he could make in 30 seconds. He made 51 shots one time, which was the top score of the machine. The reason why I loved watching this so much is that he kept turning around to see if I was watching, as if we were first dating and he was trying to impress me. I haven't seen this type of thing for a LONG time, so I was so happy to see that fun/romantic chemistry still there between us. : ) And, by the way, I WAS impressed. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

the roller coaster pic is really cute!! :)