Sunday, January 27, 2008

Amazing Tales from the Work Folder

This week Leia Rose has been learning about Asia in school, and here are some origami works she did this week! They are a frog, a fish, and a kitty (of course). : ) To add to the excitement about Asia, Leia is bringing in her pictures of her pen pal, Yukino (including the ones from the Japanese New Year celebration). There have been lots of questions this week about, "When are we going on that trip to Japan?" As if we were going in a few months or something. : ) I told her that both her and Annie had to be old enough to appreciate what we were going to do. I'm thinking (at the earliest) when Annie is 6 or 7, so that would make Leia Rose 10 or 11. At the EARLIEST. I did my best to convey this to Leia Rose. Not sure how much of it sunk in, though. : )
She has also been doing some more advanced math in extended day lately as evidenced by these wonderful worksheets.

BUT the most spectacular element about Leia's work folder this week was these two books that she wrote/illustrated at school! I was awed by this!

"Right now I have one frog for a pet. I had another, but I gave it away to Collin's. My frog's name is Tad. I named him that when he was a tadpole."
"When I let my frog go, I am going to get a hamster from the pet store. I am going to name my hamster 'Crawly.'"
"I think he will crawl around in his cage. I am not sure what I will feed him because I do not know what hamsters eat. The End."

Reading this book by Leia made me feel very proud of my daughter at the same time as it made me laugh. You see, Leia Rose had lately taken to stating things, instead of asking for things that she wants. Like "I am going to get a hamster." or "When I get my hamster." Ha! What an interesting tactic, . . . as if Mom and Dad don't have a say, huh? : ) And I am intrigued by the picture of the hamster cage. How did she know how to draw one? And what are those two little things on the top? I'll have to ask tomorrow.

"I want a Webkin for Christmas. The Webkin that I am going to get is going to be a bunny Webkin. It works on the computer."
I am going to name my Webkin girl-hop if she's a girl, and boy-hop if he's a boy. I'm going to make sure Annie likes it. I'm going to make it be friends with the bunnies at grandma and grandpa's house."
"I'm going to make sure my bunny is not retired because if it is retired it can't work on the computer. I'm going to love my bunny so much. Did you know my bunny is going to have her own room in Webkin's world? My bunny is going to be friends with Daphne's reindeer and pony. The End"

Funny thing about this story is that, although Leia loves her bunny Webkin (in fact she's using it as a snuggle bud tonight), Leia has NEVER asked to go into Webkins World on the computer. Brian and I decided long ago that we were going to leave computer skills as schoolwork for Leia, so we aren't bothered in the slightest. I love the picture of the bunny, and the picture of the computer at the end is really good, too! The other funny thing about this is that Leia Rose originally chose a Webkin that was retired (the purple bunny). Um, the purple bunny cost $60. No way. So I gave her this big lecture on how Santa probably couldn't get one of those. (Ha!) The white bunny only cost $9.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Is she learning about Vietnam too?? :)

I haven't known much about Webkins, but I just added it to the list of things to investigate for Kevin's birthday! I should check out the web site, since he's excited about computers. :)