Friday, March 28, 2008

Alan's Legacy

Tonight we ate at Buffalo Creek Grill at Holland's Landing with Alan and Cassie who came to visit us all for the evening. Brian, Grandpa, the girls and I went by boat. It was really fun! We were sitting just feet away from the place where Leia Rose and I danced the night away on the July 4 that I was pregnant with Annie. Lots of fun memories for us here!
Just a little aside. Annie LOVES sipping ice cold water through a straw. I think she feels like she's a big girl when she does this. : )
Leia Rose wanted to sit by Uncle Alan and Aunt Cassie. They got a big kick out of Leia Rose's fondness for ketchup. : ) Alan being the condiment king and Leia being the condiment queen, the ketchup bottle didn't move from their table all night. Leia Rose dipped everything in it, . . . and when the food was gone she scooped the ketchup up to eat it plain, . . . and when there was no more to scoop she licked the rest up off the plate (much to Mamma's chagrin at the other side of the table). Alan, you truly have a legacy in Leia. : )
After dinner, Leia Rose needed to go to the ladies room, . . . and of course noticed the "Ice Cream Box" right beside the door. *sigh* I'll admit, though, she asked so nicely and with such respect that I let her choose one. She chose a "light saber pop" which was really a popsicle by Life Savers, but she had fun connecting it with Star Wars anyway. And showing once again that she is a spectacular big sister, Leia Rose shared the entire pop with Annie! What a great kid!

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