Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Amazing Annie

Here is one of Annie's favorite pastimes these days, going to one of the doors, reaching for the doorknob, and saying "side!" (outside). Yep, Annie's my little outside girl!

She's also my little tooter. These chunky pegs actually make a whistling sound when you blow through them. (Yet another common pastime.)
And who can forget the special Daddy and Leia game that they play after dinner. They both go under the table, one of them touches Annie's foot, they wait for Annie to say who she thinks it is, and then the person pops up to surprise her. This time, they were BOTH touching her feet! : )

Here's what Annie looks like when she's REALLY tired. : )
The other thing I really wanted to document is how Annie and I say prayers at the end of a day. Long story short, I can't get her to pay attention and stay still, so I put her in the crib and kneel beside it. At some point during the prayers, Annie always comes over and puts one finger through my hands in their prayer position and, after looking at what the other side of my hands look like that way, I see that there is a little hole right where the pinky fingers meet the palm, . . . perfect for probing, I suppose. ; )

Just a couple of other cute things. The family has started calling our shoes "foos" because that's what Annie calls them. : )

Here's something else really fun (which brought me back to my college days of analyzing speech). Annie pronounces "flower" as "flow" or sometimes "frow" (which always makes me think of the respectful term for a German woman) or even "fow" (like "cow"). Therefore, she focuses on the first consonant sound and first vowel sound. Ironically, Leia Rose always called a flower a "wuh-wuh," therefore focusing more on they syllable aspect. SO interesting how different children focus on different sounds in the English language!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Very cute stuff! :)