Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday 2008

These photographs were taken outside Saint Thomas More, where I noticed at the Stations of the Cross that there was a miniature daffodil field. All of our daffodils are spent, . . . and the dogwoods haven't bloomed yet. So the tradition of Easter pictures amidst flowers continues. The girls are in their special Easter dresses, made my my Amish friend, Marlene. (Annie's was actually meant to go on a doll, . . . and I can't believe it still fit her!) This is the last year for these dresses, though. Next year it'll be different matching ones. ; ) Easter was chilly, so Mamma had to make a last minute stop at Burlington Coat Factory for matching tights and sweaters. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Beautiful pictures!!!! :)