Tuesday, March 11, 2008

God Bless You!

Grandma and Grandpa and I had a neat conversation the last time they visited about the phrase, "God Bless You." Neither Grandma nor Grandpa was brought up to say it, and I was. Therefore, I always say it (or some quicker version like "Bless You") every time someone sneezes. Despite this fact, Leia Rose has NEVER once said "God Bless You" to anyone at all (except when asked by me). It's just not a natural thing for her to do for some reason, and now I think it has actually been "passed down" genetically! Ha! : ) Not upsetting, mind you, just really really interesting!

IRONICALLY, just in the last few days, I have noticed that Annie was saying something after anyone said "excuse me." (Now keep in mind that "excuse me" is what people say right after they sneeze, but also what they say if they make any inappropriate sound or action.) Anyway, I finally asked Annie, "What do you say after someone sneezes?" Nothing. "What do you say when someone says 'excuse me'?" And she said, "Blah-Blah!" while later in the day it morphed to "Ga-Blah!" Definitely "God Bless you!" Isn't that neat?!? Ironically, saying "God Bless You" comes naturally to my second born. ; ) So don't be surprised if you bump into Annie, say "excuse me," and hear "Ga-Blah!" (God Bless You) in return. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's too funny!!! :) REALLY cute!!!

I think I've blogged before about how this has become a nightly ritual in our house. Steve sneezes downstairs after Kevin is in bed, and he'll yell "Bless you, Daddy" until Daddy yells "Thank you!" ;) ha. It's like a family joke now. :o)