Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Afternoon

Leia Rose was excited to discover that the Easter Bunny had left some new containers of Play Doh around outside for the girls to find.

But it wasn't long before Annie wandered off. Guess where she was headed, . . .

Here is Annie with her beloved sand wheel! She LOVED watching these wheels go around and saying "Whoa!!!", . . . and perhaps she loved trying to pour the sand in even more; however, she just didn't realize you had to get the sand IN the funnel to make it go around, so she ended up dumping it just to the side every time. (By the end, though, she realized she could stand and have a better vantage point that way.)

Here is another one of my favorite pictures of the day: Annie rejoices in a new way to swing!!! Annie just loved this so much that she would literally scream her head off whenever I tried to take her out!
And as for Monday & Tuesday, it was literally "ditto" for both days (except for the fact that it was so cold, I had the girls wear their snowsuits). : ) We went outside, and Annie made a bee-line for the sandbox to play with her sand wheel and then high-tailed it to the swing where she hung there (more like a rag-doll today, though) for about an hour and a half, screaming if I ever threatened to take her off. But, luckily, whimpering and saying "done" when she really was finished.

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