Friday, March 7, 2008

Tales from the Work Folder (early March)

Okay, this isn't really from the work folder, but Leia Rose and I did a couple of fun art projects today that we thought we'd include. After doing a bird & mouse puff-ball-animal, Leia did this spectacular Easter necklace! She has since decided to save it for decoration on her Easter bonnet. : )
And we also played a really great game called "Sum Swamp" where you roll 3 dice to make a "number sentence" and add or subtract the numbers to find how many squares to move. At the end (and after truly winning the game), Leia Rose said, "I just LOVE math!!!" Gosh, I'm so GLAD! I'll have to remind her of that when she has to do 20 word problems for homework in fourth grade. Ha!
Now Leia's paintings and pictures are becoming so easily recognizable that I don't have to announce what they are anymore. : )
And the newest book Leia Rose brought home for homework is called "Sam." And I'm so glad that Leia Rose noticed that Daphne and Jesse (who both have older siblings) are reading very advanced readers. Perhaps that will encourage Leia Rose? Quite honestly, though, I think we have more of a scientist on our hands here, . . .
Or perhaps, more specifically, a paleontologist. : ) Look at this cool map showing the location of some dinosaur bones!
And this week in school, Leia Rose was studying Australasia. Here's the book of the animals found there, . . . and I got a real treat when I went to pick her up because Leia Rose showed me all of the New Guinea artifacts that Mr. Schnell brought back from his last visit there. There was even a necklace of bat teeth and different kids of spears! Leia Rose was full of information, like "they use shells for money" and "they use fires to cook because there's no electricity." : )
And this is absolutely amazing as well, . . . it's Leia Rose's very first multiplication chart. It took me a while to decode it, but basically the two numbers multiplied are in the first two columns, so the "times" symbol is in the wrong place, and there's no equal sign either. : ) Still, amazing work for a five-year-old. Mrs. Schnell said that they are accomplishing this by working with the hanging beads.
But I think what Leia Rose was the most proud of was this "circle snake." She cut it out herself, and was thrilled at the way it looked when it spun around. : )

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