Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday Egg Hunt

Leia Rose was absolutely shocked that the Easter Bunny would have filled the leftover eggs that she didn't use on her Easter Bonnet! : )
Annie, of course, was more entranced by the little Cozy Coupe car that we gave her as a present. (This had been Leia's and was out in the garage forever.)
But when she tired of the car, she was just as excited about finding eggs. This is another one of Annie's I'm-excited expressions.
The girls loved actually opening a few Easter gifts from Oma. Leia got some really cool color fusion markers that she spent lots of time creating with later that day (I'm afraid some of my later pictures weren't saved as a result of a camera glitch), . . . and Annie got a fabulous sand wheel, . . . pictures on a later post.
Leia Rose was also amazed that the Easter Bunny had found some special chick & bunny ring-pops that Leia likes!

Annie did a good job finding her Easter basket as well, . . . and it was Annie who LOVED the marshmallow chicks, . . . even though it is Leia who always requests them. Behind her basket, were three new Baby Einstein DVDs, . . . Annie loved these so much, you'll see one in her hand for every single other egg-hunting pictures. ; )
Here is the egg-finding progression when it is Annie's turn: Leia and Annie spot an egg, and Leia points Annie in the right direction.
Instead of leaning down, Annie brings her whole body to the floor and retrieves the egg.
And then she excitedly shows the egg to Leia before putting it in the collection basket. (Note the Baby Einstein DVD in her hand. Ha!)
*sigh* And then there's the traditional "behind-the-toilet" egg. Leia always gets a kick out of that, much to Mamma's chagrin.
She was still snickering about that egg-placement later.
Spotting another egg!

Leia was SO excited to see that the Easter Bunny knew she liked Starburst candy that she actually looked like she was in pain, . . . the ultimate I'm-excited expression by Leia. ; )
And upon further exploration . . .
. . . Leia discovered that the Starbursts went all the way down to the bottom of the basket (causing her basket to weight about 10 pounds)!
And then she just HAD to share the news with Daddy!!!
The Easter Bunny also left the girls two bags of miniature Tootsie Roll lollipops (which are only available seasonally, I've found). These are the size of dum-dums and are wonderful!!! And the only flavors are their favorites: cherry and grape. Yay! Annie took each wrapped lolly and suck on it. : ) The sheer number of lollipops inspired Annie to create what became her Easter motto: "Whoa!" She sounded just like Joey Lawrence from Blossom!
I thought this was so funny! Annie found an egg right by the little kitchen set, so she coupled it with a burger. Ha!

To quell the excitement (and candy rush) a bit, I let the girls watch the Baby Einstein DVDs.

I was sitting on the blue chair, and every time Annie saw an animal she knew (which was every five seconds), she would turn around and excitedly proclaim the sound! She saw the cow puppet on screen, so here she is saying, "Moo!"
During this time, Leia Rose did some of her traditional Easter sorting. This activity is SO Leia Rose. She told me, "Mamma! I'm pretending these Starbursts are different fruits! Look! I'm picking apples, lemons, strawberries, and oranges!"

I just love this picture! Here both of them saw a "car" at the same time, . . . and Leia decided to copy Annie's usual reaction, . . . looking back at me sitting in the blue chair and exclaiming, "CAR!!!"
Then we decided to play with the little wind-up toys the Easter Bunny brought. Annie's little walker tray was perfect for this. Annie got VERY excited about it, and I made sure to capture her usual reaction. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wow - your Easter Bunny brought LOTS of candy!!!! ;)

I love the picture of them in their matching dresses with the chocolate bunnies!! :)