Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Mass

Here is Leia Rose in her Easter Bonnet and her special Oma lamby purse, doing wonderfully at the Easter Sunday Mass. (And as a result of her Lenten sacrifice, she didn't ask for either toys or food! Yay!)
Annie was a bit of a handful during Mass (much to the delight of the little girls behind us). But I think every one-and-a-half year old is a handful. They just want to get down, you know? So Mass involves constant bribery. The confinement of the stroller, however, is a must and prevents all tears, . . . MY tears, that is. ; ) I would like to say that Annie was like this during Mass, reaching happily for the next piece of Chex Mix.
. . . But actually, it was more like this. ; ) And it didn't take long for each chex to be squished between her fingers. Guess how many more of those she received. But I must say, in her defense, that she had no problem keeping her Easter bonnet on. I couldn't believe it! : )

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