Thursday, March 27, 2008

Morning on Lake Murray

Leia Rose has been hankering to take some pictures, so while we waited for the wind on the lake to die down, here are four of her choice shots (looks like the next gift-giving time will have to include that Fisher Price digital camera for Leia!):

(This one she took to commemorate the very first time Annie said, "I love you, Mamma!" without being asked. Well, I guess it sounded more like, "Ah-la-la-Mamma!")

At one point, Leia and I went down to the dock on our own (which was a rare occurrence), so we wanted to celebrate this special Mamma and Leia time. : )
This was a VERY typical sight this week. We noticed very early on that Annie wanted to explore, but the close proximity to the water presented a particular hazard (even with the ever-important life-jacket on). SO, I remembered something Leia's little friend Kevin has, . . . the Faulkner family affectionately calls it Kevin's "doggie." It's this little vest/pack doubling as a plush doggie, . . . with a leash. Karin used it when Leia had her state fair party. Anyway, remembering this, I took an old piece of rope and tied it around Annie's life jacket. I held this loop continuously every time we were on the dock or on the boat. (And while we were riding in the boat, I actually looped it around my leg just in case.) By the end of the time we were calling my little contraption "the poor man's doggie" and then Cassie announced that it was "time to walk the baby." Ha! And wherever we went we got comments like "that's the best thing I've ever seen!" and "What a great idea!" as laughter ensued. : )

Besides riding on the boat, Annie's favorite activity this week was watching the waves lap along the side of the lake.
Looking at worms.
Grandpa and Leia Rose even did some ballet together!

Today was VERY windy, and although it was in the upper seventies, it sure didn't feel that way! So, we had to wait a while before boating. No problem, we enjoyed the morning anyway! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Ha! The rope idea is great!!! :)