Monday, March 10, 2008

Drawing "My World"

Leia Rose spent a lot of time today creating her "world," as she often does when she uses sidewalk chalk. She likes to make it life-size, so she can play in her world when she's done. : ) Here she is drawing a vase on top of a table in her house. "You make the round top of the vase curved, and leave an opening for the flower to go through." (You can understand this picture better when you see the close-up in the second-to-last picture.) ; )
Above her "World," was the solar system. I don't think it's any coincidence that the kids are learning about space this week at Artgarden. ; ) And here is Leia sitting on what she affectionately refers to as her "potato planet," which is Jupiter. She just was drawing so much bigger than usual she drew a potato shape instead of a circle. And she found this pretty funny, . . . for more than just today! She would continually go and sit on Jupiter and call out to me saying, "I'm sitting on my potato planet! Ha, ha, ha!!!" : ) What impressed me most about this was that she was able to laugh at herself so easily! What a great and mature quality!!!
"My World" completed!
Today I was teaching Leia Rose how to make different kinds of flowers. Can you guess the daisy, tulip, and rose that Leia made? (The rose is in the "vase.") Mrs. Schnell was right, Leia Rose really does get inspired while watching others make their own art. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's awesome! :) Very creative!