Monday, March 31, 2008

Art Creations

I was so happy to be getting back to some major play with just Annie and I this morning! : ) Here is Annie's wonderful color creation. And it's her very first picture that she declared what it was: a "BOW!!!" which means "Rainbow," certainly inspired by her favorite book these days which is What Makes a Rainbow! We'll certainly be saving this one! Not only that, but take a look at how she chooses to hold the crayon!!! She's holding it correctly, and no one even taught her how!!!! What a kid!!!! And she was so excited to be able to choose her own crayons, . . . see the video at the bottom with Annie's traditional "Whoa!" and other excited sounds. : )
And Leia Rose decided on her own that she wanted to write a letter to her Oma and Papa! Here is the result: LEiA ROSE LOVE OMO APAP SO MUCH 303 060
Translated: "Leia Rose loves Oma and Papa so much!!! 960-0353" I just love her attempt to write our phone number so they would call her! : ) So, Oma and Papa, if you get this message, . . . please call Leia!!!
And then she drew some fantastic bunnies "with the right smile that Heidi taught me." : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wow! She's doing so great with the crayons!!