Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lots More Art

I just had to commemorate the look that Annie gives when she's really excited about coloring with crayons. And, of course, her exclamations REALLY sounded Japanese (and I'm still not sure why). : )

Here is something from Leia's most recent "work." The kids made these neat pine cone bird feeders! Well, here is Leia Rose proudly hanging hers!
At one point Leia Rose became very inspired by the Magic School Bus book Inside the Human Body. And Leia decided to draw the digestive system!!!
And here is something that I promised I would include. Leia's fabulous coloring from our Stations of the Cross coloring book.

Here she is looking at one that she "re-colored" because a bit of it was done when she was three, . . . which she thought was unacceptable! Ha! This is the revised copy. : )
And for weeks I had been hearing about someone called "Maradee." Well, here is another spectacular story by Leia Rose! No pictures yet, I'm afraid. Just the story. But our plan is to use one of those pre-made blank books (like Leia's dinosaur book) and really work on it. (In our spare time. Ha!) ; ) I wonder if that'll be this summer? Anyway, here's the story in Leia's own words:

Maradee: The Unicorn Princess
Maradee was a unicorn, and she was going to be the princess of Ponyland. When the pony named Dogwood wasn't looking, Maradee hid under a table to hide from Dogwood who went down the hallway looking for Maradee. When Dogwood was gone, Maradee went and opened this box, and a magic wand was in it. The wand was supposed to be something that she was NOT supposed to be touching, and when Dogwood came back she saw Maradee playing with the wand. Dogwood said, "No Maradee! Thats only for teaching stuff." After that, Maradee got lost outside the castle. Dogwood and her other princesses went looking for Maradee. And then the Brazies were looking for Dogwood so they could put Maradee where she should be, back in Unicorn Land. And then when they got back in Unicorn Land, the lived happily ever after.
The End


Karin said...

Wow - the digestive system is very impressive! :)

Karin said...

Very cool story too!! :)