Thursday, April 17, 2008


This is Leia's and Annie's favorite outside game by far. Swinging together (in perfect synchronization) and saying "Weeeeeeeee!" ; ) I started guessing when Annie would say "Yay-ah" ("Leia") as soon as I put her on the swing, . . . sure enough, she called for her even before she did one full swing back and forth!!! And as for Leia, as I have previously recorded, she stays on the swing a lot longer than I have ever seen her do in the past! [And I also need to mention that we've been bike-riding every day, just the girls and I!]

And I also had to include some of Annie's most-used words these days. "More" and "Gay-gle" and of course "Yay-ah!" (This video is also a perfect example of how NOT to ask a toddler a question. Ha!)

1 comment:

Karin said...

ha :) Wow - I can't believe how well Annie does at swinging! She's swinging high!!