Monday, April 28, 2008

Holding a Baby Bird

Today Leia's wish came true: She got to hold a baby bird! Brian and I had told her time and time again about the dangers of this (mostly that the mamma bird will thereafter refuse to feed them). Anyway, here is how Leia's wish was granted:
Just yesterday, I had gotten the nest down to show Jenny Rose our five little house finches. And I noticed right away that they were getting very big. So my plan was to take a picture today (the following day) and call it, "Trading Down for Feathers." Well, all was well and good. I took the nest down and, I don't know if you can tell, but the bird on the left isn't even in the nest! It's on the side! Anyway, right after I took this picture THEY ALL FLEW AWAY!!! One of them flew to the highest tree. Two of them flew into the underbrush of the woods. One of them flew under the big rocks in the front yard. And one of them flew, . . . right into a great big puddle. Well, that one obviously wasn't ready yet, poor thing. So, I scooped him up and, . . . there was Leia Rose ready and waiting. ; )
I put the little guy back in the nest, but as you can see, he preferred to perch beside it anyway. If I had to say what this little bird was thinking here, I would say, "Maybe if I hide behind this little rose bud back here, just maybe she won't see me, . . ." Ha! Note to self: As the birds grow USE A STEP LADDER to check on them to prevent this. Perhaps I should have titled this post, "Almost All Gone!" ; )

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