Friday, April 25, 2008

Fridays on the Front Porch

Fridays on the Front Porch is a free music series that the Carolina Inn puts on that features an informal bluegrass concert every Friday during the spring and summer. This Friday was the first one, so off we went! We had lots of fun dancing together!
But Annie and Leia had the most fun peeking under the chair . . .
. . . and over the chair.
And for some reason Annie only wanted to drink out of her sippy cup this way *sigh* and, for some reason, wanted to carry around a floppy piece of pizza *double sigh.* [And I'll also go ahead and say that it was WAY too crowded. With the way people made their blankets/chairs their territory, it reminded me of July Fourth in Boston at the Palisade! For goodness sake! Originally I was hoping to do this with the family each Friday, but seeing the crowds, now I'm not so sure.]
And through it all, Leia wanted nothing more than to play at the base of this tree (which was far over on the other side). This is because she always gets to play around the roots of the tree at the Carr Mill music on Sundays. We let her take a picture over there at the end.

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