Sunday, April 13, 2008

Picnics & Pathfinders

After Mass today, we all had a picnic lunch together as a family. We make it a kind of rule to bring bubbles to every picnic. Today we brought out what we affectionately call "Piggy Bubbles" from Grandma. (You've had a LOT of toy success in this post, Grandma, . . . wait and see, . . . ) This time, Annie was running around very excited about the bubbles and yelling, "Buh-buhs! Buh-buhs!" It was really cute. I'll put the video at the end.
And we finally went out bikeriding as a family with Leia's new Pathfinder/Mongoose (which is this cool bike-like thing with one wheel that allows a little kid to ride behind you, and actually help pedal). So here's Annie on her Bobike & Leia on her Mongoose. I'm going to guess the girls and I will be doing this A LOT on summer mornings. ; )
What did I tell you, Karin!?! This morning Leia Rose cut up a bunch of paper towels into little squares, colored them, and then informed me that they were special "glasses wipes" for her new glasses. She wore them all day. Did you notice them in the picnic picture? ; )
And LOOK! I finally got about 10 wisteria blooms on my wisteria vine!!! A couple of years ago I bought this sucker and guided it up this tree (because from our bedroom window all you see is an ugly brown trunk). It's happy as a lark, but never bloomed until now! I was so happy, I had to take a couple of photos. Now if I can just get it to make an archway. That's my goal this year. ; )

Leia Rose was really eager to help Brian mow the lawn for the first time this spring. : )
Chloe came over a bit today and rode with Leia Rose in the barbie jeep. What a face Chloe had when she was at the wheel! It was a look of total happiness and control! ; ) And this is the shot that made Rebecca and I imagine our girls at 16, taking their friends out for a drive. ; )
This is the way our front door will look until late November. According to the neighborhood listserve, there have already been people knocking for political reasons. I remember how bombarded I was previous to the last presidential election, so . . . not this time.
We had quiche tonight for dinner, but seeing Annie's reaction coupled with what she has in her hand, . . . I think she really wanted a hamburger. ; )
I saw this little bunny in the hall today wearing one of Julie Ann's PJs with footies. (Remember giving this to Leia the other Easter, Grandma?) ; ) Anyway, I laughed because I couldn't figure out for the life of me why the bunny was in that position holding "Bun," another favorite bunny from Grandma (that one happens to be a wish bunny, with a pocket to hold a wish). Anyway, I called Leia Rose up to ask her about it and said, "Aw, look! She's holding a baby!" And Leia Rose got frustrated immediately, . . . "NO Mamma! She's BREASTFEEDING!!! See, even the flap on the pajamas is open!?!" Ha! This would go along with Leia's latest obsession with that particular part of the female anatomy. I am convinced this is so because Leia is finally realizing that, even among girls, we all look a bit different. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

ha! so funny about the glasses wipes!

and wow - that's quite the bike!!! :)