Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

In addition to Cherry Chat Chat (who these days she calls "cat"), the infamous yellow cup (also in the picture), and a various assortment of lamby figures, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is by far Annie's favorite toy. She goes to it first every single day and wants me to help her have the guys make their sounds and do their little dialogues on the little stands.
Such a cutie!!! I finally got a picture of this, . . . but this is a morphed version. Now Annie couples a head-tilt with her shoulder-raise when she is especially excited & amused. And this is Annie every single time she would hear the "Mousca-doer" make it's special beeping sound in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And THEN, even though I know the show is above her level, I decided I'd just play the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song for Annie via Tivo. Every single time the clubhouse popped up, Annie looked just like this:

Sorry honey, but here you look exactly like Chris Farley in the "Lunchlady Land" segment of Saturday Night Live! ; )


Anonymous said...

Ha! Chris Farley!
No way, Annie's way to cute.


Anonymous said...

I mean "too" cute. :)