Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After School & BFF

This is such a common occurrence, I just had to record this! : ) After school, most every day, Leia Rose asks, "Can I walk to the end of the stones if I promise to come right back?" And I let her. Here she is doing just that with her entourage of Greta and Daphne. Here they are arguing a bit, though, because Greta had just said, "My Mamma is the smartest lady in the world! She's smarter than your Mamma!" And Daphne and Leia Rose were disagreeing. Anyway, Leia Rose actually ASKED me if Greta was right. Ha! My response was, "Well, how about we say that all of the Mammas are smart in their own way?" And Leia said, "Yeah, Greta, how about that! All the Mammas are smart!" ; ) In the car, though, I really praised Leia Rose for knowing that what Greta said wasn't very nice. It was similar to saying, "My mom is better than your mom. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo!" Congrats, Leia! We're on our way to building conscience, aren't we? ; )
Then when she got in the car she said, "Mamma, Annie's my BFF." And I said, "You mean your Best Friend Forever?" And she replied, "That's right. My Best Friend Forever. Annie will ALWAYS be my BFF." Again, "BFF" plucked right out of a school conversation. The sad thing was that Daphne sat right at the lunch table and proclaimed to Greta and Leia Rose, "Jesse is my BFF!" And probably said more about it as well. Not like that's a big deal, but it's the kind of phrase that leaves everyone else out, you know? Leia wasn't phased, of course, . . . but I was. That would have killed me as a child. Glad Leia has a bit of a thicker skin. ; ) Further, let's put all that aside and just let me praise my child for using what could have been a negative experience as a strengthening of the bond of sisterly love! Yes, Leia, I truly hope that you and your sister, Annie, are always BFF. Forever and ever!!! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

This echoes my last comment, but... that's very sweet!! :)