Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kevin's Fourth Birthday Party

Today Leia Rose and Annie were both invited to Kevin's really fun Diego party at Jumpin' Beans to celebrate Kevin's Fourth Birthday! Happy Birthday Kevin! (Jumpin' Beans is a really cool play area for kids in Cary with lots of blow-up moon bounces & slides for kids. We've gone there before and, I have to say, it was a BLAST with only a few kids like this. I especially liked the way Karin could personalize the party while still having it outside of home.)
Look at this really amazing cake that Karin made! I especially love the river made of a special kind of gel frosting (which I still don't understand how the really cool water effect was achieved)! ; )

One of the things that Leia and Kevin always wanted to do was to get on top of this blue rainbow-type structure that would always partially deflate when their weight was fully upon it.
Here they are again with another one of Kevin's friends named Laura. The three of them thought it was especially funny that I fell down each time I tried putting them on. Ha!
They even had a miniature replica moonbounce for children Annie's age. (Yes, Cherry went to the party as well.)

During the festivities, Karin put on a special Kevin-slideshow featuring all of Kevin's special moments of his four years, . . . including lots of pictures of Kevin & Leia sharing kisses! (Remember that one from her birthday party at the state fair?!?) It was even set to my very favorite song from Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom. I just wish that Annie wasn't being a fuss-budget during the whole thing because I really wanted to watch a bit more closely.
Right before we went to the party, Leia Rose felt VERY strongly about making a special card for Kevin. It says, "LEiA ROSE LUVZ CEVAN i LUC STR WORS" or translated, "Leia Rose loves Kevin! I like Star Wars." I'm glad she put the "love" priority on the person instead of the movie. ; )
Leia Rose got Kevin a really cool Diego Rescue Pack that plays the rescue song, just like the one she has. Maybe Kevin will do lots of exploring now with Rescue Pack's help.

Here is a picture of Annie's beloved white pan that she carried around from another play area at Jumpin' Beans. Not sure why she liked this pan, but it became the Cherry Chat Chat of the day.
More than the tot play area, Annie wanted to be with the big kids and didn't mind being jostled around. Guess her favorite game in the bounce house? Yep, "WHOA"!

But by the end, Annie looked more like this. ; ) This is a VERY tired Annie!
Annie's party favor was a little birthday ducky squirter just right for biting. ; )
At the end of Kevin's party, Leia Rose received what would become her favorite gift bag ever. Mostly, she was enamored with these really cool Diego glasses. She became obsessed with them today (as well as over the next couple of days), wearing them continually. : ) Doesn't she look a bit like Harry Potter?

1 comment:

Karin said...

So glad you could come!!! And that you had a good time!!! :)