Friday, April 4, 2008

Daddy's First Reconciliation

I will have a vivid memory of after school today when Leia and I skipped in the rain, hand-in-hand back to the car today singing "It's a Rainy Day." : ) And why wouldn't we be happy? . . . Today Daddy would have his very first Reconciliation! And with this, as with anything in regards to religion, Brian was very private, . . . not needing any support or wanting much fuss. (But that doesn't mean it meant any less to me!) It was at 4 PM with Father John, . . . who was so welcoming and loving and understanding. I would think a priest would have to be for Brian (or anyone else for that matter) to confess all of his sins from the beginning of his life! Yikes, my list would be SO long!!! ; )

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