Sunday, April 20, 2008

Annie's First Hair Cut

Today I gave Annie her very first haircut! Leia Rose had requested hers, so it was a good time to do Annie, too. We have two girls with very thin & fine hair, . . . and to look clean and crisp all day, a short cut is in order. (Although Leia is old enough now to decide on her own, . . . and she always chooses short.) Annie's hair even thinner and finer than Leia's was at this age, believe it or not. [With Leia Rose, we waited until she was 2 1/2 only because her hair became so scraggly when it was down that we always ended up putting it up. Then what started as a "trim" became a true "cut," which made me keep my hand over my mouth for an hour or so. When you're used to seeing your child a certain way, and then they look different all of a sudden. Well, you know. ; ) ] With Annie today, there was only about an inch taken off, so there was no really big change. Just a sweet little girl's hair that looked a bit less scraggly and a bit less thin. Thank goodness I've had two friends who went to beauty school & a grandfather who was a barber, all of whom taught me more than a thing or two! (Dad, I think I got the haircutting gene from Pop-Pop!)
To accomplish this feat I sat Annie in the walker (which she is too big for) and gave her some popcorn while she watched the haircutting episode of Elmo. Even though the first picture makes it look easy, my effort was really more like this: with Annie desperately trying to brush my hands away right while I was cutting. Not easy. Not easy, . . . but it worked:
And here is the beautiful result!!!