Thursday, April 24, 2008

Seven Days & Seven Nights

Here is Leia Rose holding up a very special reward, . . . because Leia Rose has been dry at night now for a full week!!! Sure enough, just like everyone told me, it would happen when her body was ready for it to happen. (Little body, little bladder.) And it helped a lot that Dr. Stephens always told us to "start worrying when she turns eight." Ha!
Ever since she gave Sophia this cool tiara making kit for her birthday, Leia Rose has wanted one. And all week she has been planning what she would do on this day: Princess Dance. She was planning to make a tiara for herself, for Bun (her white bunny), and White Kitty, . . . and they would dance together, . . . but she did NOT want to be serenaded by words and music sung by Mamma. (I did try to sing "Once Upon a Dream" in honor of the event, but Leia would have none of it.) ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Hooray for Leia!!!! :) :)

(I've often wondered at what point I'll be brave enough to eliminate Pull-Ups at bedtime. ;) Not yet!! ha)