Monday, April 7, 2008

A Rare Playdate with Jessica & Declan

Isn't this a precious picture? So smart of Hollis to bring their boots! And, oh, how Leia and Annie wished they had brought theirs, . . . there was more than one round of tears about that. : )
But that's okay, Leia just spent the time on the little "Island in the Muck" and climbed the tree, . . . really high. ; )

Here are Annie and Declan: there very first time on the circle swing! : )
Today, Leia Rose kept putting her hood up and saying she was "Darth Vader," which shocked Hollis, I think. ; ) Here she is holding a "life saber."

And Annie continued her fun pastime of picking up mulch and putting it somewhere else. : )

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