Monday, April 21, 2008

"It's a Shakey Egg!!!"

Today Annie and I did lots of "circle time" or "action song" play, . . . or at least as much of it Annie's attention span would allow for. There was a lot of Annie looking at her Mamma and thinking, "Why is this crazy woman clapping her hands and jumping, . . . I'm just going to play with these toys." Ha! Anyway, I created this great playlist of action songs on the computer from lots of different sources. I realized that the whole thing worked better if we tried this in the living room (where we weren't surrounded by toys), . . . less distraction. But no matter where we were, there's one song that always grabbed Annie's attention for its entirety:

"I know a chicken! And she laid an egg! I know a chicken! And she laid an egg! Oh my goodness! It's a shakey egg!!!" Then Laurie Berkner instructs you to shake your egg fast, slow, in a circle, etc. This is Annie's reaction to "Shake it FAST"! And her expression never failed. Perhaps these next few pics give just an inkling of the joy Annie feels at this song:

Isn't this just a great action shot of Leia Rose? When Leia Rose got home from school, she participated too!