Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Annie Can Jump!!!

I realize now that I should have taken a video instead of a picture, but this is Annie right in the middle of a jump! I honestly can't believe this! Jumping is a milestone that kids aren't supposed to reach for much later, . . . and this is the child who just walked for the first time a couple of months ago! She can jump, land, and not fall down. I still can't believe it. It's probably all that practice in the crib. *sigh*
And today Annie was fascinated with "This Little Piggy," something I don't do very often. Not sure why.
Today Annie also learned to climb up & slide down all by herself. And she always preferred to slide in this position, with her left leg bent backwards at the knee. Go figure!
If I could choose what this picture was about, I would say, "Ah, here's my little outside girl longing to go out and play! Look how cute she is with her little hands and face pressed against the glass longing for a little bit of nature!"
But that's not what it is at all. It's another new pastime, . . . going up to a cold window and licking it. *sigh*

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wow! That's amazing! Kevin didn't jump until he was 2 1/2!!