Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Baby Birds!

Look what Annie and I found in the hanging-basket nest this morning! Three baby birds had just hatched! Not very photogenic right now, are they. They were literally finishing up their first "nap" after hatching!!!

And when Leia Rose came home from school, . . . there were four!!! (One more egg to go.) Now their beaks were open, and they were ready to feed!

I just love this picture of the girls. When a young woman dreams of motherhood and all of the idyllic experiences it will bring, isn't this the kind of thing she imagines? Thank you Lord, for showing me the wonder of my children and for hearing Annie say and know that these are "buh-buh-burrs!" Help me never to take these moments for granted!

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's awesome! Look at those little beaks! :)