Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Annie Swings on Grandpa's Birthday

Well, here it is: Annie's very first time on a "big-girl swing." And does that face show lots of pride, or what?!? : ) Both of my children have been early swingers, . . . somehow understanding that they suddenly need to hold on. I won't be pushing her very high for a while, though. ; )
And while we were outside we watched for a long time as the earliest butterfly I had ever seen appeared on our Carolina Jasmine.
Yet another precious written original by Leia Rose. This one is especially for Grandpa on his 60th birthday today. Just for fun, she if you can read it if it's typed: "DER GREPU I LUV YOO HAPE BRTHDA I LUC STR WOS". Translated it reads, "Dear Grandpa, I love you! Happy Birthday! I like Star Wars."
I think Grandpa was really touched by Leia's special gift. And it think it beat out ours: a six pack of specialty beers & a special picture of Grandpa fishing with the girls (for him to put in his fishing frame that he keeps at work). : ) So glad you shared your special day with us, Dad! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

whoa! You're much braver than me! I still put Kevin in a baby swing last summer!! :)