Monday, April 28, 2008

Annie Counts to Ten!

No one would believe this if I didn't have it on video. ; ) (Sorry about the poor quality, but I had to shorten it to get it online.) Annie counted to ten today all by herself! The first time she did it, we were walking down the stairs just like this. (Of course the time I record it she would skip number 5. Ha!) Anyway, I was shocked! Yes, Annie's counting has morphed the last few weeks. And yesterday it was up to, "One, Two, Five, Six, Nine, Ten, . . . Yay!" But today it was the WHOLE thing!!! I was so proud of her! Even further, later today we were reading/listening to Ten Little Indians again and she pointed to the number 10 and said, "ten." Then she pointed to the number 8 and said, "eight." Then she pointed to the number 2 and said, "two." Then she pointed to the number 1 and said, "one." And when asked, she counted. And there I was selling her short to Oma who I had just told that Annie probably didn't really recognize what the numbers meant. Wrong! We've got another smartie on our hands who I will continue to call "my little mathmetician." ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wow!! that's awesome!! :)