Monday, April 14, 2008

Making Pretzels at Artgarden

Today I volunteered at Artgarden to head up the "work" of pretzel making. : ) The teachers had a great idea to allow the kids to shape pizza dough, and it worked great (with the help of Pam & foil, that is)! It was really funny to me to see the difference between girls and boys today. For the boys, this was simply a tactile activity. They played with the dough until it was absolutely necessary to relinquish the seat, . . . and then just tossed the still-unformed glob on the sheet to cook. For the girls, they all came with a plan: some made snowmen, some divided their piece into a million tiny balls, but it was Leia's idea that topped them all . . .
She spelled her name!!!
I also noticed the kids' spectacular space mural hanging right over the kitchen.
It was circle time by this point, so I thought I would take a couple of rare photos of second circle.

And where was Annie all this time? At Godmommy Laurie's house playing what can only be deemed as the "HA-HA-HA!!!" game! ; ) She would walk over to Laurie, arch her back and say "HA-HA-HA!!!" hoping for Laurie to return the gesture. [It was interesting, though, that Annie did have a couple bouts of separation anxiety while I was gone. (Only a tiny bit of crying at each, though, I was told.) Remember when you noticed this last week, Grandma? No reason to feel sad, . . . Annie just started the separation anxiety stage a bit late, that's all.]
And I just had to include this really cool picture made by Colin. What a good representation of their family! Eric, Laurie, Colin, Trevor, & Logan. And everyone's smiling! What a wonderful thing!

1 comment:

Karin said...

wow about Leia's pretzel! :)