Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Chalk Board

Annie has always had a deep interest in our chalkboard given to us by Oma & Papa on a Christmas a while ago. : ) Annie will spend countless minutes each day drawing, . . . and as a result Leia Rose spends time there too. : )
Today, as I usually do, I asked Annie to draw "eyes" (one of her favorite activities on the chalkboard that she asks for by name). I was amazed at what she drew today. Look! Two real circles!
The next creation was "a flower" and "a baby girl." I'll let you guess who drew each one. : ) (Leia said the loops really DID look like petals.) : ) But it's Annie who is always amazed that Leia's pictures actually LOOK like something! She always stands in awe of them:
Like this simple picture of a flower that, to Annie, was so real that she gave it a sniff. (Can you see the evidence on her nose?) ; )
And here Leia Rose is laughing because Annie has mistaken this "bat" for a "bunny" and is saying "hop, hop, hop." ; )
Leia Rose and I admired her long-eared bat anyway. ; )

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