Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sunglasses & Stowaway

Doesn't this picture look like an album cover of some renegade preschool rap group entitled "Mamma's Just Don't Understand"?!? Ha!!! Today we stopped off at CVS after school to get the girls some much-needed sunglasses. They chose matching Minnie Mouse ones. And, whew!, it was rough getting Annie to keep hers on. Luckily, she finally forgot about them! Golly!

And here is how Leia Rose came home from school today: with a new anklet creation made of twin and the straps from her crocs. Ha! She was very proud of this! Quite ingenious, I must say!
And this sweet picture, if I could title it, I would call it "Heh!" because that is what Annie says every single time she scoops sand into her favorite Oma-given sand wheel to see it go around. She looks at me just like this to see if I'm watching and says, "Heh!" This game never got old.
And when we got back inside, Leia Rose had a stowaway! It's amazing how Leia Rose has such affection for these little creatures that we call "Woolly Worms." Leia Rose is constantly trying to save their population as Mamma savagely rips their web-nests down and suffocates them in plastic bags so as to save our early spring vegetation as Leia Rose yells, "Run, Woolly Worms! Run! Escape to another tree!" Wouldn't St. Francis be proud?!?

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