Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kitties +

Here's the first kitty of the morning: Perry Pat Pat. ; ) But look at what Leia's wearing (again)! This has happened for the last two mornings, so by now I have discovered that I need to record this. ; ) Somebody LOVES these glasses!
Later, we all drew kitties today out on the driveway. Annie was shocked, I think, to see that something that I drew really did look like a cat! She did her little "Meow" screams to show her approval. ; ) At one point, she even gave one of the cats whiskers.
"Look Mamma! I drew me leaning my head towards a kitty! I even put a barrette in my hair!" (Leia even asked me how to draw "real eyes." ; )
"Look, Mamma! I'm hugging myself!"
And look what I've got! Two sweet girls who can now swing together!!! They got a kick out of doing this for the first time. It was the longest Leia Rose was on a swing in her life, I think. Annie, however, could sit in a swing all day. They were both very particular about swinging at the same rate, . . . and every time Leia would get off, Annie said, "Yay-ah? Yah-ah?!?" ; )
And here is the final kitty of the day! I was trying to show Annie that this towel made her look just like one! Believe it or not, I even got her to say "Meow!"

[Just a little aside here that Leia came home early from school today because she was complaining (again) that she felt "sick." (And there IS a stomach virus going around school, although we have been giving her Culturelle to prevent it.) "My tummy hurts and my throat hurts," she would complain, and she was quiet and not acting like herself. As soon as I showed up, though, Leia was her same old self, of course. We have determined now that Leia has learned that she can avoid things she doesn't like (for example, extended day "careful cutting") by complaining of sickness enough times. We told her today that it's not respectful to her teacher to complain about a non-existent sickness. We reminded her that if she's hungry (she IS going through a growth spurt) the teachers have a whole box of granola bars for her to choose from, . . . and that sometimes she mistakes hunger pains for sickness. She admitted to all of this and, um, it was pretty obvious when she was skipping out to the car. ; ) We'll see if she tries to pull this one again.]

1 comment:

Karin said...

too cute about them swinging together!