Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Some Handy Fun

Today one of my dreams came true: Leia Rose became enthralled and excited about learning "hand-games" (like "Miss Mary Mack")!!! She's not quite adept enough yet with the motor skills to do some of the more complicated movements, but she could handle clapping and then hitting my hands quite well. She especially loved "See See My Playmate" and "Concentrate." : ) We'll have lots of fun with this when she gets just a bit older. : )

The girls also loved using their hands to splash in the puddles on the deck this afternoon. Annie got REALLY wet. : ) Annie was also amazed at the difference between dry sand and wet sand in the sand box today. She was a bit upset that the water seemed to disappear when we poured it in, though. So, she kept reaching in, playing with the remaining drops and saying "more" (which sounds more like "no." : ) And, um, by the way, the girls new sandals are no longer new. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Fun! :)

I hadn't realized before that your sandbox is the same as ours. I just noticed that from the lid. ;)