Sunday, April 27, 2008

Maple "Bee" Farm

Since the music was a bust, we decided to try another fun outing since Jenny Rose was here and we really wanted to show her a good time. (Why didn't I get a picture of her, though. Gee!) We went to Maple View Farm (the necessary John Denver CD playing all the way), which will always be Maple "Bee" Farm to Leia Rose. This time it was just Jenny, Leia, and I. Annie was napping.
Looks like there's no more hay to play on, so it was just a dandelion field. Still fun in itself!
Especially when Jenny taught us how to make flower chains! (I honestly never knew! And now I know! Thanks Jenny! . . . I'll add that to all of the other smart things you've added to my wealth of knowledge, . . . like how an "aglet" is the name for the little plastic things at the end of shoelaces.) ; )
Leia was also very interested in using them as wishing wands.

And what was her wish? "That I will go to visit Shenandoah very soon!"

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