Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Walking Fast, Annie? "Gully, Gully!!!"

Annie's doing a lot more than walking fast these days! First of all, as you'll see from the pictures, Mamma is desperately trying to get Annie to at least make a poopie on the potty. To no avail, of course. *sigh* I'm trying this early because she truly frets when there are diaper changes (even with the ABC song sometimes), . . . and the reason is simply that our family has lots of tomato in our diet which, as much as they love it, has burned both of our children on the other end.
Here she is at least proud of herself sitting on the potty . . .
. . . but she would much rather be off the potty, reaching for the door to do another round of "ope & koh." ("open & close") : )

Recently, Annie has been dealing more and more in abstraction. Focusing on "up & down" and "in & out" and "open & close." She can say each word quite clearly, by the way. I'm so proud of her! And finally, Annie answers questions these days in a really funny way. A funny way, at least, if the answer is "yes." ; ) Her words can be translated as, "Yes, and I'm very excited about that prospect!" Ha! But it sounds more like, "Gully, Gully!!!" Take a look:

1 comment:

Karin said...

Wow - awesome walking!!!! :)

And that gully gully is really funny! ;)