Thursday, March 13, 2008

"My Sand Picture of Me Holding a Flower"

When we go and visit Chloe and Mia, one of Leia's favorite things to do is to make a "sand cake" on Chloe's tree stump. Well today, as I was pushing Chloe on the swing, I noticed that Leia was taking an extra long time with this one. Finally, she came over and announced, "Come and see my sand picture of me holding a flower!" I went right over, and this is what I found! : )

We had a nice impromptu playtime with Chloe, Mia, and Rebecca. There was some swinging, sand-cake-making, bike riding, and more swinging at our house. Very fun!
And Annie discovered that, just like her stacking cups inside, two teacups outside would make a loud echoing sound when hit together as well. She was loving it!

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