Friday, March 14, 2008

A Visit from the Almonds

Today we had a fabulous visit from the Almonds who came all the way from San Diego, CA to visit us! Madelyn is Leia's age and Sophia is Annie's age. We started the day at Leia's school where Madelyn was invited to one of the Artgarden "Celebration of Life" Birthday celebrations. Then she stayed to play on the playground. The moms & toddlers felt like we were in the way, so we just played/talked outside.
But there was no doubt when the big kids were done with the party and sauntered out onto the playground. Just take a look at those adoring faces, . . . wishing so hard to be a part of it all!
And during lunch, Annie had lots of fun conversations with Rebekah using the word "Mmmmmm" in different varying intonations depending on the quality of food. : )

I've got a hunch that both Sophia and her sister are going to be dentists when they grow up. Madelyn's first question to me was, "Do you have a dentist kit?" (We did.) Here is Sophia giving her Mamma (Rebekah) a checkup. Say Ahhhhhh! ; )

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